Unlocking the insights of shopper behaviour
The Shopper Based Design Team at Heineken has extensive knowledge of the Beer & Cider category. However, other teams often are unaware or struggle to access this valuable information, which limits its potential value. In 2017, we started this internal project to create a platform that would make these insights more visible and collaborative.
Customers know Heineken and Heineken knows its customers. However, under the influence of new media and the emergence of new sales channels, shopper behaviour has become less predictable. Shoppers are everywhere and have more choices than ever before. Meeting their needs where they are is crucial to growing the beer category and so is the accessibility of this information.
Based on shopper insights and driven by data, expertise, and research, a new vision for the beer category has been developed. This knowledge needs to become more visible within the organisation as well as to retail partners, so that collaboration can be optimised and more value can be derived from the Beer & Cider category.
Showcasing the added value of the Shopper Based Design Team within the organisation.
Share knowledge about the beer category with internal colleagues and retail partners.
Optimise collaboration between the different parties, creating a solid foundation to generate new initiatives and growth of the beer category.
Concept, visual style, sales tools, presentation deck
Beer & cider aisle in a supermarket
We wanted to emphasize on the value of knowledge, data and insights and create some internal buzz and secrecy around the concept, to encourage people to learn more about it. The choice for "Shopper Intelligence Brewery" allowed us to achieve both. Keeping it close to the Heineken brand but also incorporating a spionage-inspired look-and-feel, we established a collaboration platform for generating new ideas.
Moodboard concept
We created a range of icons, internal materials and sales tools to support the shopper insights and knowledge, empowering team members and retail partners to collaborate and come up with customized solutions for specific target groups.
Icons category growth drivers
Presentation deck
Section bumper video
Internal tool to combine various factors and generate new concepts
Set of brandvisuals highlighting various consumption moments.
VR room
Additionally, in 2022, we created a Virtual Room in collaboration with a digital partner. This allowed Heineken to take their retail partners on an interactive journey through their category vision, showcasing insights, videos, and a virtual store.
Stills of virtual room
Information panels within virtual room